1 thought on “How long is the warranty period of Henan jade jewelry”

  1. there is no fixed warranty period
    Jewelry is a special commodity. The material determines that there is no fixed shelf-life, and precious metals have not expired. Moreover, manual welding and other processes are involved in the processing process, so the service life of all jewelry can not be guaranteed, and there are also wear and tear problems. Therefore, it is recommended to look carefully when purchasing, especially the welding parts
    maintenance of jade jewelry: 1. After each wearing of jade, please wipe it with a clean and soft white cloth, or clean it with clean water and lukewarm water. First immerse it in water for about 30 minutes, and then gently scrub the jade inlay with a small brush. In addition, the jade inlaid with broken diamonds and gems should only be wiped with a clean white cloth
    2. Jade should be stored in a soft jewelry box. If there are more than two pieces, please wrap them with soft materials such as flannelette
    3. Jade must not be exposed to the sun. Strong sunlight will increase the molecular volume of jade, change the quality of jade and affect the texture of jade. For the same reason, jade should not be impacted by steam, and boiling water is forbidden
    4. Avoid contact with chemicals, such as detergents, soaps, pesticides, cosmetics, perfume, hairdressing, etc. if they are accidentally touched, they should be wiped off in time to prevent damage to jade.

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