Emerald seeking identification

If you buy a stone to process it, the remaining materials can be done well. Please help to see how the water value is not worth processing? Value geometry? Don't make products yourself.

1 thought on “Emerald seeking identification”

  1. Inadequate information and cannot be identified.
    The jade appraisal cannot be seen alone, as well as appearance. No one can identify emerald with a picture.
    mine the key to identifying emeralds is to depend on relevant information such as color, material, texture, hardness, density and other related information. Since the picture, you can only see the appearance. Due to the problem of light and angle, even the color will be distorted, and the judgment error rate is relatively large.
    The development in industrial sciences, many materials can prevent imitation of jadeite and other jewelry. If you can identify it with only one picture, there is no jewelry identification. The jewelry wearing on the TV series now knows which one is true. The definition of a jewelry should be judged from multiple factors, and comprehensive analysis and comprehensive identification.
    The I hope you go to the professional jewelry counter or antique market for identification.

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